March 5, 2023

A Hike above Lake Walensee from Amden to Ziegelbrücke

Sunday March 5, 2023 -- We knew the country would be covered in fog on Sunday, but it was supposed to clear in the afternoon, so we chose to do a hike in the mountains near Lake Walensee in Eastern Switzerland, because it only takes us 90 minutes to get there. That way we wouldn't waste hours on the road for nothing if the fog didn't clear.

We picked well this time, as the fog was just lifting as we got to Amden, and even though the air didn't totally clear this day (unfortunately very little in terms of views across Lake Walensee and into the Linth Valley, which would have been spectacular), we did have four hours of sunshine for our hike along the mountain and down to Ziegelbrücke.

We started at 12:20, which is a bit late for us, but the timing was perfect to be able to catch a train back home four hours later and still be home by 6 p.m.

The hike was wonderful, with so much variety including a narrow descent along a massive vertical cliff, across various farms and pastures and dry forest trails. I was most excited to see the start of the coloring of the forest floor: Loads of first flowers, especially blue ones!

As a side note: We did a similar hike in November 2019 from Amden to Weesen on the lake (a more direct route) with much better visibility. This is what the view is supposed to be: SEE HERE.

From the train station in Ziegelbrücke, a bus takes you up the mountain to Amden (at the arrow). This is what it looked like on our way there at 12:10

From the front seat of the bus, I could see the peak where we would be hiking, there along the red line beneath the cliffs

Again, about 10 kms (our usual distance) and about 3-1/4 hours from Amden to Ziegelbrücke.

Just starting off up the road, here's a cute yard decoration we saw

Looking behind us to the town of Amden. The fog has definitely lifted since we saw the webcam photo 90 minutes earlier (see end of album below).

A hillside of cute barns

Once in a while, farm cats come join us for some attention!

From here on in we had some nice mountain trails. Below on the right is Lake Walensee, not yet visible. 

Here at Schafbett is a look-out point, and the start of the interesting descent past the cliff wall. The sign warns that the trail is dangerous or impassible after heavy rains. Since we haven't had rain for ages, it's not an issue. 

The view down to the town of Weesen on Lake Walensee, from the Schafbett look-out point.

Up ahead is a massive cliff. We first have to descend a long flight of stairs before getting to the cliff wall. 

Descending the steps, always fun!

Walking down the steps and along the cliff.

This looks more dangerous than it really was. There are cables to hold on to where it is narrow. 

Coming down the steps along the cliff wall

A look down the couloir

I'm not sure why they put a bench here. The rocks and dust are constantly falling from the overhanging cliff and make the bench dirty!

A long downhill section where a piece of the mountain has slid off

So happy to see a splash of colour in the otherwie barren and brown landscape

These lovely first flowers are called Coltsfoot, and are apparently used in herbal remedies for respiratory infections

Crossing all kinds of bridges!

More bridges. This time over a creek called Flibach

The river coming down the mountain.

The trail was a "Geo-Trail" of sorts, with all kinds of information along the way about the geology. For example on the right, a granite stone brought here by a glacier from some other part of Switzerland far far away (Albula). 

(Gufler). We cheated here and scrambled up a steep 20m section in the forest to avoid an extra 30m climb via the trail. 

A look up to the tower and where we passed by the cliff below it.

A lovely log house along the road with solar panels (more and more houses, especially new ones, have solar panels).

Above the Brändliberg Farm and Mountain Restaurant (closed for the season), we stopped for a coffee break at 14:30

Finally, a glimpse of the mountains on the south side of Lake Walensee

There seems to be a flying machine above the peak of that mountain....

There is a carving of a chamois on that tree trunk....

We passed a few farms along the way

These girls are also enjoying the lovely afternoon

A nice collection of cow bells and old tools

And now finally the best look down the lake which we had this day

Heading down the hill, looking directly eastward down the lake. On the left, at the top, is where we started our hike. At the house below, we headed in the opposite direction. 

Yaks as well

A selection of the earliest forest and garden flowers

This should be a superb view down the Linth Valley with high steep mountains. A real shame that we didn't have a better view. The Linth Canal below is the Canton border. On this side where we are is Canton St.Gall, and on the far side is Canton Glarus. 

Another farmhouse, a rundown one this time

Winding our way down the hill. There was an icy wind blowing at this point.

Last stretch to the train station in Ziegelbrücke. The Linth Canal, which is the border of the two cantons, is just on the far side of the train tracks. In other words, the train station is in Canton St.Gallen, and the town is in Canton Glarus!

Crossing on the bridge over the train station in Ziegelbrücke

The hike we did starting in Amden, ending in Ziegelbrücke. The other lines are other hikes in previous years. 

Location of Lake Walensee in Switzerland

This is what the webcam in Amden was showing at 10:30 in the morning as we were getting ready to leave our place. We were hoping this was the fog receding... and in fact it was. We got here at 12:20 und could see the mountain, although misty. 

LATER:  Here is the same shot a week later:

AND what it looks like on a very nice day in March:

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