June 8, 2024

Searching for Orchids in the Gitzitobel Ravine in Seetal Valley

Saturday June 8, 2024 -- Needing to take advantage of some half-way decent weather this morning, before more rain.... we stayed close by and traveled to a nearby valley called the "Seetal" (Valley of the Lakes), site of the popular lakes Hallwilersee and Baldeggersee in between Lenzburg in Canton Aargau and Rotkreuz in Canton Luzern. We had heard of a small ravine called Gitzitobel in the region, where 20 different varieties of orchids grow. Also, we were supposed to get a great view of the Alps from there, and as we left home for the one hour and 20-minute trip there, webcams in the area were showing blue skies. 

Nowhere in the description of this orchid-rich ravine were we able to find information about WHEN the orchids were blooming, and we had hoped we were not too late... but we were. There were some other pretty meadow flowers when we emerged from the forested area, but an information panel at the location mentioned blooming in May. Also, the sky became overcast, and even though we could see the mountains seemingly close up, photographs don't do it justice, as the sky had "turned" white. 

Starting in a town callsed Mosen at the south end of Lake Hallwil, and having mostly hiked uphill, we ended our hike in the town called Hämikon, where we didn't have long to wait for the 2-hourly bus. Checking our performance on the map, we had ended up walking almost 9 km anyway, so it was enough for the day. 

Highlight was the sighting of all the storks nesting on the roofs of the Baldegg Franciscan Abbey (a stop along the railway line there) and another one obviously finding a lot to eat in a field we walked past. Back in June of 2022 we actually started a hike at this monastery with the express purpose of observing the storks, and then hiking up to a fortress ruins and the visiting the Heidegg castle rose gardens at the end of the hike. Those photos are HERE

As we headed north by train from up the Seetal Valley, we pass the Baldegg Monastery. There are always many storks perched on the roof and chimneys, with nests in nearby trees. At 9:30 a.m. the day is looking promising with lovely blue skies! 

Originally we were going to walk back down to the level of the railway line, that's why we sarted in Mosen, but by the time we got to Hämikon, it looked like it might rain, and there was a bus in 10 minutes (runs only every two hours on Saturdays), so we stopped there. Usually we start higher up and walk downhill. 

The walk starts along the south end of the Hallwilersee (Lake Hallwil) from the train station in Mosen. We started at about 10 a.m. 

The water on this side stream is so high it touches the bottom of the passerelle. 

The path passes through wetlands near the lake. 

A blue heron in flight

The sign says that bunnies hide in these fields!

We really enjoyed this lovely field of grain, interspersed with so many red popppies! The view is to the west to the waters of Lake Hallwil. 

Lovely poppies

Heading east away from the lake, this is the view of the Nidwalden Alps to the south. The sky is already starting to get overcast, and this view is not nearly as nice as the one we had back in April 2017 when we walked along the eastern shore of Lake Hallwil (photos HERE)

All over the fields are these perches for the hawks and kites. 

It was a 30-minute walk from the Mosen train station to the town of Aesch (Luzern) where we entered the ravine. On Saturdays the bus runs only every two hours to Aesch, but we had just missed catching the 7:56 one from home, and didn't want to wait the two hours, so we left at 8:26 and started walking from the Mosen train station instead.

We passed a farm selling roses (pick-your-own) and enjoyed the pretty colours of all the bushes in the large acreage. 

And in this field we spied another stork and watched it wander around, finding quite a bit to eat!

The cats always come to Urs to snuggle a bit!

This is a fire engine depot! There was an actual fire engine in there. 

This farm is a winery called Klosterhof

Lovely farmhouse

There are many orchards and vineyards here in the Seetal. 

Heading uphill into the Gitzitobel Ravine, this is a lovely view down to Lake Halwil. We are still in Canton Luzern here, but the town of Reinach across the lake is in Canton Aargau. The canton border runs across the lake right about at this level. 

A large stretch of the trail was through forest like here. 

We had to cross a few bridges, which is always fun, and are now entering that part of the ravine where the orchids apparently grow. 

This is the first information we have come across which informs us that the native orchid plants grow to 80 cm and bloom in May. This ravine is actual a forest reserve. 

We didn't find any orchids (many of the other types of orchids are quite tiny) but there were other pretty flowers in these meadows. 

Typical meadow flowers

The grass was a bit wet from recent rains

Another bridge... we had to tread carefully as the wood was wet and slippery!

The river here is called the Tröletenbach. 

Small waterfall in the Gitzitobel ravine

Oh look, another bridge!

Back out of the ravine now, we followed a paved road for the final kilometer to the bus stop in Hämikon. This farm had its own labyrinthine rose gardens, quite cool!

More roses to admire along the way!

The small church in Hämikon across from the bus stop. I didn't go in this time. I thought the cylindrical bell tower was kind of unique. We had to wait about 10 minutes for the 12:59 bus. We had decided not to continue walking, as it looked like it might rain.

This is what our 9-km hike looks like on Google Satellite Maps. We started in Mosen at about 10 a.m., and caught a bus in Hämikon at 1 p.m. 

On the bus ride down to the railway line, we get views of the Alps to the south. How nice if the sky were blue instead of white!

There is a castle behind this Baroque church in Hitzkirch, so I am planning to continue our walk on another day, to make sure I do pass by here on foot!

On the train now heading south again, we get a look at the Heidegg Castle, which also had some nice rose gardens which we visited on that same hike in June 2022 when we went to see the storks. (photos HERE)

Now the train is passing Lake Baldegg (Baldeggersee). This is in Canton Lucerne. 

Here we pass the Baldegg Abbey buildings, with storks on the roofs!

There is a train stop right in front of the abbey entrance. This is actually a school for girls training to be teachers. See the storks on the chimneys?

Storks on the chimney!

Views of the Nidwalden Alps from the train on our way back to Rotkreuz. 

These are all the hikes which we have done in the region around Lakes Hallwil and Baldegg. 

Location of Seetal in Switzerland, between Luzern and Aarau, and pretty close to where we live. 

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