February 21, 2024

Short Walk in our Neighbourhood to a Look-out Platform in Steinhausen

Wednesday February 21, 2024 -- Wednesday is usually a hiking day for us, but because the forecast wasn't great, we didn't make any big plans. But the day turned out not bad at all, so we decided quite short notice to go on a simple walk in the hills north of our city of Zug.

After a short bus ride to the next town over (Steinhausen) we walked to a look-out platform which I had noticed on our hiking map, a rather short platform as it turns out, but which did afford us with views of the Alps all the way to the Bernese Oberland, which is such a positive aspect of living in this area: We get some really nice views of the Alps.

It was a short walk, just 5½ kilometers and about 90 minutes of walking. We passed a couple of farmer's shops along the way, and bought some refreshments.

Typical house for this area. This is in Steinhausen

This is the look-out platform which I saw on my map. It's not very high, but we wanted to have a look. 

The view from the look-out platform past the buildings in Cham and Steinhausen, past Lake Zug, and all the way to the Bernese Alps. The mountain in the center is the Stanserhorn. It's just too bad about the power lines.

View in the direction of Mount Pilatus. on the left you can see the well-known Bernese Trio of Eiger-Mönch-Jungfrau.

On the left at the back is Mount Rigi, which you can see from many parts of Switzerland!

Some of the trail was through the forest, which is always pleasant, especially when the forest is not thick and dark. 

A lot of farmland in this area outside of the city. 

One of two farmer's shops we stopped at. The farm was called Hinterzimbel, and among other things sold home-made apple juice, which we enjoyed along the way. 

Ah, the lovely smell of pig manure at this time of year!

Spring crocuses

This is one spectacular group of old silos!

Such a nicely tended property

Another farm closer to home, the Iten-Hof Farm, offering a large selection of home-made jams, preserves, sirups, juices, milk-products, produce, etc. I am still always astounded that they trust visitors to pay for their purchases in the correct amounts, and not take anything out of the cash box, which in this case isn't even locked. 

Restaurant "Zur Alten Lorze" in Schochenmüli. (The "Alte Lorze" is the stream that flows behind the building). 

All kinds of farmland just outside the city. Many apple and cherry trees. These are so wonderful in spring when everything is in blossom (see my other photos of this area HERE). In the background is Mount Rigi. 

And all of a sudden the mountains appear HUGE! This is an effect we often see here, depending on the Föhn Winds. These are the Bernese Alps; especially recognizable is the north face of Mt. Eiger, the dark pyramid to the right of center, among the group of three peaks. 

Every farm has its resident cat!

A short walk in our own neighbourhood, starting with a bus ride from our front door to Steinhausen (approx. 1 p.m.), a walk to the look-out platform and stopping at two farmer's shops (blue circles)

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