April 4, 2023

Short Walk in Canton Uri from Bürglen (Brügg) to Altdorf

Tuesday April 4, 2023 -- A "short" hike on my own, just 90 minutes and ca. 6 km, but worth posting some photos.

The idea actually was to go back to Altdorf to the farm that sold Sittlisalp cheese, to buy some for Urs' uncle who can no longer travel on his own (we discovered the farm a couple of weeks earlier, those photos are HERE). Even though there was a very cold wind blowing, the sun was out, so I decided to add on a short hike by staying on the respective bus till its final stop in Brügg at the base of the two cable cars which take you up to the high trail at the entrance of the Schächen Valley.

The relatively short walk back to Bürglen -- allegedly the birthplace of William Tell -- was on a pleasant soft trail and protected from the icy wind. After Bürglen I walked along the Schächen River canal to the Byherger Farm where I bought 1.5 kg of cheese, and from there I walked to the train station in Altdorf. Afterwards on my way home, I delivered the cheese to his uncle (who used to take the trip here to buy just such cheeses!)

No photos of me this time.

(Note: After a wonderful mild February and most of March, the weather has turned very cold this week, below ZERO at night in the lower areas, and only up to about 8 degrees during the day. Snow and much colder in the mountains...)

I started the hike in Brügg, which is where two cable cars take you up the mountain here (one of the stations on the right). This trail is part of National Trail no.1: Via Alpina, and Regional Trail no.55: Via Suvorov

A short but acceptable afternoon walk at the entrance of the Schächen Valley from Bürglen to Altdorf. I started at 2:15 p.m., and got to the train station by 3:50

The first section to Bürglen was on soft paths like this one, protected from the cold wind, and with the view of Mt.Gitschen ahead of me the whole time. 

A look down at the village of Bürglen where I will pass by the church and William Tell Monument, before heading to Altdorf

Some violets on the forest floor

A close-up of the beautiful Mt.Gitschen

Slightly higher above me are the frost-covered trees which show how cold it has become.

I heard some sheep bleating in a barn, so I went in to have a look, and these cuties came running to me, so curious!

New spring lambs! There were some in the meadow outside as well. I assume these will have their turn outside soon as well.

Such sweet bleating lambs! I always have to laugh when I hear the sheep, because there is such a huge variety of sounds, and they answer each other!

This is the church in Bürglen. Everything is Tell-themed, as this is allegedly the birthplace of William Tell. 

The stunning Gasthaus Adler on the main street in Bürglen, and in the tower behind it is the Tell Museum. 

The Tell monument in Bürglen. (There is another more well-known Tell monument in the main square in Altdorf nearby). 

We missed out on the magnolia bloom in the Tessin (Ticino), but here we are just seeing the end of the bloom!

Magnolia trees are absolutely magnificent

The cemetery next to the church, with another look across the Reuss Valley to Mt.Gitschen

Inside the church, obviously Baroque. This current status of the church is from 1682, although there were a Romanesque Church building in the 12th Century and then a Gothic one in 1430 at this location.

I loved the pink marble details throughout, especially the organs!

From the terrace of the church, a look up the Reuss Valley, where we had walked a couple of weeks earlier. 

Heading down toward Altdorf along the Schächen River, in the direction of the Reuss River.

A look up behind me to the church in Bürglen

Many cows' back ends! But a hike in Switzerland without some cows along the way just isn't quite right. 

This view is past the outlying properties of Altdorf to the north in the Reuss Valley (Mt.Niederbauen)

Following one of many many stone walls in this area. Altdorf has a network of about 16 kilometers of these dry stone walls, some dating back to the 15th Century. 

The Byherger Farm Shop which is owned by the farmers who make their cheese up on Sittlisalp in the Brunni Valley in summer

Last time we came this way we discovered this shop and the Sittlisalp cheese, which was the main reason for this trip. (Refrigerator on the left). The shop sells loads of home-made products and meats and vegetables as well. 

From here only 15 minutes to the train station in Altdorf. I had extra time, so I took a detour through the countryside. 

A look up the Reuss Valley. On a clear day you can see the pyramid-shaped Mt.Bristen at the back. Today, covered in clouds. 

(This is what the same view looks like on a clear day! We were here a couple of weeks earlier)

Location of Bürglen and Altdorf in Switzerland. This is close to where I live and took just over an hour to get there by public transit.  

A favourite view of mine as we travel this stretch often: Lake Lauerz and the Mythen Mountains in the background. This view is just shortly before reaching Arth-Goldau train station. 

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