May 17, 2022

A 10-km Stretch along the Reuss River, from Gnadenthal to Bremgarten

Tuesday May 17th, 2022 -- A very nice day, albeit a bit warm, but perfect to meet up with a friend (Urs worked all week) for a riverside walk. The section along the Reuss River which I picked to walk along was ideal for both of us, as we didn't have far to travel to get there. It is also a section of the river which I hadn't walked yet. And most of the way was through the forest with views of the water, so perfect for the hot day.

We started at the former Gnadenthal Abbey where Urs and I had ended a previous hike in 2020 (photos are HERE), and walked the 10.5 kilometers southward to the city of Bremgarten, where Urs and I had started on another stretch along the river in winter of 2018, walking southward as well (those photos are HERE). The section of the Reuss River between Bremgarten and the northern part where it enters the Aar River is part of a Nature Preservation area called "Reussuferschutzgebiet", or "Reuss Shoreline Protection Area" and is really one of the prettiest sections along the River, which is also part of Regional Trail no.42: Aargauer Weg (Argovia Trail).

Contrary to our usual hikes, this was a time to catch up on past experiences, have a long picnic near the water, and end with afternoon coffee in my friend's wild jungle garden.

The former Cistercian convent (since 1394) at Gnadenthal, now a care facility

Another look at the Gnadenthal Abbey from the Reuss River side as we cross the bridge

The sign tells us that the walking distance to Bremgarten along the Aargauer Weg from here is 2 hours and 30 minutes. 

The Reuss River shore is a natural protected area

We started shortly after 10 a.m. at the Gnadenthal Abbey, and arrived in Bremgarten at 14:30. But we had a very long picnic lunch along the river. 

The trail along the river was nicely shaded, and we had lots of glimpses of the river, with several islands as well. 

The first wild irises along the rivershore

Another very lovely section of the Reuss River 

I am always thrilled to cross wooden bridges. 

This spot here is of particular interest. It is called Sulz, and you can get yourself ferried over to the other side for 1.50 CHF ($2)this pontoon boat (Dogs and Bikes for 1 CHF). Unfortunately, the ferry operates only on Saturday afternoon and on Sundays. But still, it's a fun idea. 

Here at the "Sulz Ferry" location, the signs show the Aargauer Trail no.42 to the right and left (where we are walking), and the other sign is for what's on the other side of the river!!!

A sand lizard crossed our path; this is a male, they are bright green in spring during mating season. We have seen this type of lizard once before. In Switzerland they are considered endangered, as their habitat is shrinking

We found this perfect spot for our picnic lunch, on one of the blocks nearest the river. We probably spent about an hour here. 

I brought along home-made lemon and raspberry cake for the picnic. 

A visitor on the beach

The village of Eggenwil near the river

Not quite sure why they are all eating the grass in the same spot...

The last stretch before arriving in Bremgarten. Most of the trail was like this, so it was not tedious. Normally, I don't like hiking along rivers, but this was really nice. 

The medieval town of Bremgarten

Impressions of the town of Bremgarten

Impressions of the town of Bremgarten

Impressions of the town of Bremgarten

Impressions of the town of Bremgarten

The Spittelturm (or Spitalturm) tower on the South end of the town. 

Crossing the Reuss River by train (a local train to Wohlen), this is the view of the riverside section of the town of Bremgarten

On this day we did the 10-km section from Gnadenthal to Bremgarten. In February 2020 we did a short 6-km stretch from Mellingen to Gnadenthal (yellow), and in 2018 we started in Bremgarten and walked 9km to Rottenschwil via the Flachsee Lake. 

And this is my friend's lovely shaded garden sitting area where we had a well-deserved coffee (and more cake) after a successful walk along the nearby river! The perfect place to spend a hot afternoon... 

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