March 2, 2019

Hiking the Flanks of Monte Carasso above Bellinzona

March 2, 2019 -- Forecast had for mostly sunny skies in the Ticino, and the cable car up to the top of Monte Carasso near Bellinzona had just opened for the season (although the restaurants up there only opened March 3rd, so good thing we brought a picnic along this time) but as it turned out, there was MUCH less sun (almost none) than expected, and a cold North wind blowing. Which makes for much less spectacular photos, but a nice hike nevertheless.

We started at the top-most station of the Monte Carasso/Mornera cable-car, where we ran into much more snow than expected (from the valley below, all the lower hills look snow-free) but soon descended into the snow-free section where we passed through forests and groupings of stone houses scattered around the eastern flank above Bellinzona. End of the hike was the second-highest stop of the cable car, where you actually have to "climb" the tower to get into the cable car as it passes by. (Same thing at the first intermediate stop).

Best part of the trip (besides the many signs of coming Spring: Daffodils, butterflies, lizards, magnolias, Japanese Cherries) was something you don't see in the photos: From Feb.28 to March 5th, the city of Bellinzona is celebrating the Carnival called Rabadan (2nd or 3rd largest Carnival in Switzerland) and we could hear the marching bands' music carrying all the way up the mountain. On our way back to the train station in Bellinzona at the end of our excursion we caught some of the festivities. Young and old dress up and dance in the streets to loud music. Key theme is CONFETTI!

(Side note: We were planning to return the next day, March 3rd, for the huge parade with floats and marching bands, but postponed this trip for another year).

Cable car approaching, to take us up to the top of the hill (weather looks promising, but didn't last long)

At the first intermediate stop, this is the hamlet called Curzutt. From here you can hike to the Tibetan suspension bridge (A hike we've done already)

On the way up, our cable car is just passing the second intermediate stop "Pientina". This is where we plan to get back on the cable car after our loop hike.

View across the Magadino Plain

We started in Mornera and walked to the various groupings of stone houses on the hillside, before returning to the second intermediate stop at Mornera for the ride back down

At the start of our hike in Mornera, there is more snow than we expected up here.

Soon enough, though, we left the snow behind. At this location called Monda is an "Agritourism" operation, closed for the winter, so we "borrowed" their picnic tables for our lunch

Lunch time, with the best view into the Mesolcino Valley (at the end of which is the San Bernardino Pass)

Not a lot of sun, but a nice view just the same!

Sign of spring: The early "Small Tortoiseshell" Butterfly

We walked back and forth across forest paths checking out the various little clusters of stone houses perched on the hillside.

Until 2007 this cable car was also in operation to transport people from the valley bottom to this little hamlet (Baltico) further North on the mountainside, but was unfortunately not updated since then.

People who have houses In Baltico and Tampori used to have direct access with the other cable car, now they have to walk from Pientina.

From up on the hill you get a good zoomed view of the beautiful Castel Grande at the heart of Bellinzona

It was very pleasant here in Tampori. Urs found a "better" fountain to fill up our water bottles at!

We very much enjoy walking through these villages of stone houses, admiring the craftsmanship.

It's also a very pleasant surprise when we come across something as interesting as a suspension bridge.

Looking down at the Ticino River

This is a bit of an "Upper Class" house in the woods high up on the mountainside!

All these signs of Spring, very exciting!

Another zoomed view into the valley below: Castel Grande below, and Castello di Montebello somewhat higher on the hillside above Bellinzona.

Castello di Montebello up close

I never tire of all the stone walls and buildings

And now to call the cable car to come pick us up! (Pientina, one of two intermediate stops on the Monte Carasso cableway)

It's kind of fun that you have to go up the tower to get into the cable car

On the way back down to the Magadino Plain

Passing Curzutt again on the way down (this is the other intermediary stop)

Back down at the main road, heading to the bus stop, we passed this very old building which still stands in the new residential area. The owner was just shearing his sheep

Freshly shorn sheep. Soon they will head up into the mountains as well!

Back in Bellinzona we caught some of the festivities. Main attraction is Confetti!

The next day the large Rabadan Parade with lots of floats and marching bands will pass through here. We were planning to attend, but changed our plans

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