January 1, 2023

Short Walk on the Chapel Trail near the Town of Appenzell

We escaped to the Appenzell Region in Eastern Switzerland to avoid the noisy New Year's Eve fireworks in our town! (Brother-in-Law lives in a cute little historical Appenzell house in a slightly remote area outside of the town of Appenzell). We spent the weekend of Dec.31 and Jan.1 there. Saturday's experience of watching the traditional New Year's Eve celebrations in this area was a wonderful experience again. Those photos are HERE.

Sunday January 1, 2023: Appenzell (6 km)

After a restful night in the secluded house in Appenzell (I barely heard the fireworks from the city) and it being another nice warm day, we opted on a small 6-km walk along the rolling hills of the Appenzell countryside, starting at the house and taking a round-about way into the city. The landscape here is very appealing, and Appenzell with its decorated houses is worth several visits. But hiking at this time of year is difficult: Either you walk on clean paved roads, or muddy pasture trails. We were done walking after two hours, and on the train headed for home at 1 p.m.

Here is where we spent the night, far enough away from the noise of the fireworks. This house is under heritage protection, as it used to be the old traveler's inn for merchants passing through on their horses. 

It was another nice warm day for a walk. Originally we had planned a longer loop along Trail no.990 (Appenzell Chapel Trail) but I am still not able to walk that far after surgery, so we descended sooner into the town of Appenzell. Still, it was a 6 km walk. 

The river which flows through Appenzell and near where Urs' brother lives is called the Sitter River. The lovely covered wooden bridge is called the Lankbrücke. 

A look past the Sitter River to Mt. Säntis and the Alpstein Massif. There is really too little snow for this time of year. 

A look back at the wooden bridge and the little house where we spent a quiet New Year's Eve night!

Typical Appenzell landscape

One of several chapels along the Appenzell Chapel Trail. This one is called St. Karl Borromaeus, was built in 1620, and contains some valuable paintings from that era. 

Inside the small St. Karl Borromaeus chapel, there is lots to admire. Painted panels depicting the life of Karl Borromaeus (paintings from 1620), additional wood panel paintings on the ceiling from the 18th Century. The frescoes above the windows were discovered in 1889. 

Walking uphill along the paved road was slow-going. We found a bench here to rest before heading back down toward Appenzell. Mt. Säntis in the background. 

A look down at the city of Appenzell

We had to cross a couple of streams. Here was a non-muddy trail for a change!

Several buildings along the way

Before crossing the Sitter River again into town, Urs heads to the bakery for a snack!

Parish church of St.Mauritius in Appenzell. Different parts of the building are from different centuries.

The artwork inside the church is apparently "New Rococo"

One of many side streets in Appenzell

Lots of very lovely painted details on the buildings in Appenzell. The paintings depict what kind of shop it is, i.e. apothecary, bakery, etc.

Hotel Säntis on the "Landesgemeindeplatz" in Appenzell, a large square where the people still gather today when there is a vote with a show of hands. (No secret ballots here).

Heading out of Appenzell by train on our way home.

Where Herisau and Appenzell are located in eastern Switzerland

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