August 29, 2024

Bad RagARTz: Europe's Largest Open-Air Sculpture Exhibition

Thursday August 29, 2024 -- After my three-hour hike along the Tamina Valley and through the Gorge (photos HERE) ending in the city of Bad Ragaz (known for its mineral baths), I spent some time walking through the streets and parks admiring sculptures from artists from all over the world, displayed on every corner and even in people's gardens.

From the website is the following description: "The 9th Swiss Sculpture Triennial will be held in Bad Ragaz and Vaduz from May 4 to October 30, 2024. Europe's largest open-air exhibition celebrates a success story spanning more than 20 years. Under the motto "present", 80 artists from all over the world present their works. The venues are the Giessenpark and Kurpark in Bad Ragaz, the historic site 'Altes Bad Pfäfers' and the streets and squares of Vaduz. Thanks to various guided tours, everyone can experience the art up close."

(Although I did pass through the "Altes Bad Pfäfers" at the back of the gorge, I didn't realize that part of the exhibition of the smaller sculptures was presented there, or I would have had a quick look).

In any case, we passed through Bad Ragaz once three years ago and first became aware of the triennial exhibition at the time, but didn't make it back for a closer look. So this was a good opportunity, now already three years later, for me to spend some time there.

Here are some of my favourite sculptures along the way:

After coming out of the Tamina gorge, I headed straight to the Kurpark (the large park next to the Grand Resort Bad Ragaz). This fountain is a sculpture as well, but most likely a permanent fixture in the park. 

This particular sculpture was interesting as it seems to be a variety of stones with matching faces. 

Stone faces

Which one is real?

Watching the Boccia Ball Game

A couple enjoying a glass of wine.... but it was the rhino head which impressed me!

What a cool sculpture. 

These giant purple chickens must be a theme, because there were smaller versions in a yard near the train station... and you can buy a pair of the small ones for 250 Fr.! (Or really mini ones for 25 Fr. each)

Heads lying all over the grass

These ladies walking through the flower beds were some of my favourites. 

It looks like they are looking for a place to put this elephant... 

These huge sculptures were my favourites. 

Not sure about these? Mirror images of soft ice-cream?

On the bridge into town were several wooden sculptures

I had seen this sculpture in the morning when the bus headed up main street, and wanted to make sure to see it up close. 

What an unusual sculpture. I wonder what it means?

Everywhere you looked, there were sculptures

The most realistic of them all

This one is high on a pedestal in the main square. 

Main street in Bad Ragaz. This is probably permanent, and the time is accurate!

This was my favourite sculpture. A real working bench!

Interesting paintings on a building wall. 

This old bus was parked on the street with other cars, even had a parking disk in the window! But the license plate reads "Namibia1", and who drives around with a rhino on the roof?

A bulldog in the yard of several apartment buildings. 

Here are the smaller purple chickens!

On the terrace of a restaurant next to the train station was a sculpture of a tram with driver and passenger. 

Bad Ragaz train station

Another sculpture at the train station.

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