July 25, 2024

Easy Walk through the Luzern Farmland North of Pilatus

Thursday July 25, 2024 -- The weather continues to be nice but hot, and since we didn't go far the day before for our short walk, I figured I would do another "short" walk on my own. I returned to the north side of Mount Pilatus as this is pretty close to where I live, and would get me back home quickly after my walk, because I was near the city of Luzern with good train connections.

I started in a town called Schwarzenberg (which had been the start and end of several other hikes we had done) and walked eastward for about 8 kilometers. Unfortunately the day was pretty hazy, so I should have had better visibility once I got closer to Lake Lucerne. And furthermore, this would have been a much better walk through the farmland of Canton Lucerne had it not been such a hot day, because much of it was out in the open. The few forested sections were very welcome! Furthermore, to the south I should have been able to see the Pilatus Range, but just like what happened on our hike a few weeks earlier in the Eigenthal Valley nearby (photos HERE), there was a blanket of low clouds blocking the view of the mountain once again! (In fact, I was the only person starting a hike in Schwarzenberg. The bus was full of people continuing on to the Eigenthal Valley, and I can only imagine that they had to hike without sunshine, just as we did at the time!)

As it turns out, I brought another tick home, found it right when it stung me. That's five tick bites this summer so far!

Heading by train to Luzern, you always get this view of Mount Pilatus. At 8:45 a.m. the sky is blue and it's looking like I might have some good view of the mountain's north side during my walk (on the right of this photo). 

On the way from Malters by bus to Schwarzenberg, this is a bus driver's worst nightmare, a group of bikers on narrow winding roads, where the bus can't pass!

I started in Schwarzenberg at 9:45, went to the church for a quick look inside, and then headed eastward in the direction of Luzern. There are many such lovely large farmhouses in this part of Luzern farming country. 

Hahaha, this figure looks familiar! It's Bender from a cartoon called Futurama.

A look back at the village church as I head out from Schwarzenberg. 

Starting at 9:45 in Schwarzenberg, I walked 8.7 km to catch the bus in Obernau, back to Luzern train station (There's a bus every 10 minutes). I was done the hike at 12:50, and back home by 1 p.m.  

A look toward Mt. Pilatus to my right as I  head eastward. The clouds are starting to move in around the summit. 

A look to the northwest to the town of Schachen, where there is a lot of industry. 

I passed several huge trees such as this one. They were maple trees. 

Most of the hike was along such small paths through pastures and forests, so quite nice except for the heat and the hazy view!

During this hot weather, the grass dries quickly, so the farmers were all out cutting and drying the hay (and also using leaf blowers, unfortunately!)

Another lovely farmhouse, except the flower boxes with geraniums are missing!

Lots of clouds now hanging in the valley in front of the Pilatus Massif. That's also a very neat-looking "Spycher", a typical outbuilding of these old farms. 

At this farm called Scharmoos (before I had a bit of an uphill climb to the forest), I noticed this very old chapel and another old outbuilding. But these buildings were on private property and not directly on the path, so I was not able to look inside. 

Heading uphill from the farm called Scharmoos. (This was actually a shortcut. The trail was a wide road in a curve, and I wanted to get to the shade of the forest more quickly). 

Now I'm on a crest trail with a lovely forest path, and welcome shade. In the meantime, the clouds have moved far down into the Eigenthal Valley, so I think there's no sunshine there anymore! And certainly no view of the Pilatus Massif for me. 

I caught sight of the cutest little red squirrel!

A small detour to the summit of a hill called Chruzhubel. This would have been a lovely spot to relax for a while, but it was too hot in the sun. I did sit on one of the benches for a while. (11 a.m.)

View to the Nidwalden Alps and Mt. Bürgenstock

Down there is the bus returning from Eigenthal. 

Taking a snack break on the hill called Chruzhubel. 

First view of Lake Luzern and Mount Rigi. Below is the community of Kriens, a "suburb" of Luzern. 

Another huge maple tree. 

The path continues along the crest of the hill here. It was actually a very nice walk. 

Fields and fields of cut grass drying. The hill ahead is called Sonnenberg, a popular place for the city people to spend a Sunday afternoon (we have been there once before, on another such hot day, those photos are HERE). 

Directly to the south now, and almost hidden in the forest, I spot the "towers" of the Hergiswald church, a lovely building with the most beautiful ceiling made of painted wooden panels, each one with its own story. We had the good fortune to visit it last year, on another short walk on another very hot day, as we walked from Eingenthal to Obernau, where I was headed once again. (Those photos HERE. On that hike we saw much more of Mount Pilatus!)

Last stretch now, heading down to Obernau. 

Crossing the river called Ränggbach. The river is fed by 30 streams from the north flank of Mount Pilatus, and there are apparently 700 of these steps to prevent major flooding when there is a lot of rain. 

The Ränggbach was greatly feared by the locals in Kriens and Luzern in Medieval Times. During thunderstorms, the stream would quickly transform into a murderous river. From 1530 to 1598 the town of Luzern experienced 14 floods. After many more floods, the city hired the renowned Engineer Conrad Escher to find the solution to tame the stream.

What my almost 9-kilometer walk looks like on Google Satellite Maps. This is pretty close to where I live, so I didn't have to travel far. 

We have done many hikes along the north side of Mount Pilatus, and around Lake Lucerne.

Location of Schwarzenberg and Obernau within Switzerland. 

Webcam from the summit of Mt. Pilatus at noon on July 25th! There are those clouds on the north side of Mt. Pilatus, just like the last time we were there. 

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