February 24, 2019

Sunday Walk to Michaelskreuz on Mount Rooterberg

February 24, 2019 -- The small ridge called Mount Rooterberg which runs parallel to Lake Zug on its West side offers superb views of the Alps ON THE RIGHT DAY! 

But what it also offers is the opportunity for a hike up a hill which is basically snow-free. And also not far from home. So this was our choice for a Sunday walk, even though we knew the day would be slightly hazy. We walked up here once before in April 27, a dismal and cold day at the time, but this time we took a different route.

We started in Rotkreuz and walked up the forest trail from the North side, which gave us some nice views across the entire Zug area where we live, and the Rontal Valley which we often travel by train when we go to Luzern. The main goal of the excursion was the chapel at Michaelskreuz (translation = Michael's Cross), a popular look-out point in this area. For the descent we also wanted to do something a little different than last time, so we walked down to Root on the West side of the hill. At some places we ran into bits of snow and icy patches, but perfectly navigable. 

AND this is where we saw the first snowbells and crocuses! It was a nice introduction to the start of Spring hiking, which we find much more interesting than walking in the white winter landscape....

From Rotkreuz via Chüntwil it takes 1 hour 20 minutes to walk up to the Chapel at Michaelskreuz

Carnival starts on February 28th, so everywhere are dressed-up figures. 

Catholic Church in Rotkreuz

A large part of the uphill section was on a wide snow-free forest trail with lots of sunshine

Going up this way we got views to the West down to the Reuss River in what is known as the Rontal Valley
This barn has seen better days!

Up here at 770m altitude (Michaelskreuz) there was still astonishingly lots of snow

I found these whittled "hunting trophies" rather amusing!

The chapel at Michaelskreuz, a popular look-out point

Even though it was a hazy day, we still had a nice view of Lake Zug and the Glarnisch Alps (Direction Arth Goldau, Mount Rigi on the right)
Below is Rotkreuz where we started our hike, and in the back on the lake is the city of Zug

This tree is 500 years old, and the oldest tree in the Rontal Valley
Heading South along Mount Rooterberg, another glimpse of Lake Zug, Mount Rigi, and the villages of Immensee and Küssnacht at the base of Mount Rigi
We decided to head West so we could descend into the Rontal Valley instead of the Lake Zug side. Here we ran into some snow....
Glimpse of the town of Root on the Reuss River. This is the goal of our hike

Zoomed view of the church in Root

And it was on our descent that we saw the first snow-bells, a sure sign of Spring!

Enjoying a few minutes of sunshine on a bench just above the church in Root, before heading to the train station.

Root, Switzerland
In April 2017 we walked the green trail, this time the purple one from Rotkreuz to Root. Total 10 km, took us about 3 hours

In April 2017 we walked from Udligenswil to Buonas. This time from Rotkreuz to Root.

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