(This post published on February 28, 2025)
Saturday, August
17, 2013 -- Lunch in Zumdorf,
smallest Village. Switzerland's
Alps spread mostly from East to West, and the Gotthard Tunnel (14 km, and the
longest in Switzerland)
connects the North with the South through this chain. Right above the tunnel is a high valley which
we hiked from Realp to Andermatt (10 km). The village
of Zumdorf (which claims to be the
smallest village in Switzerland)
is about halfway between Realp and Andermatt, and consists of a church, a restaurant,
two houses and a barn. And I guess that's all that is required to give
it the status of a village!
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When you travel on the train from Göschenen to Andermatt, you get this view of what is called the "Devil's Bridge" as the train exits the tunnel. |
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Waiting for the train to leave Andermatt, heading to Realp along the Urseren Valley. |
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Heading westward from Andermatt along the Urseren Valley. |
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This small train along the Gotthard/Matterhorn line has windows you can open and lean out! |
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Train station at Hospental, the only other stop on the way to Realp. |
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Here's a look at the little hamlet called Zumdorf, where we are walking back to. This village claims to be the smallest village in Swizerland. |
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From Realp, we started on the 10-km walk back to Andermatt. |
Our walk from Realp to Andermatt was an easy 10-km walk, with a stop for lunch in Zumdorf, the "smallest village in Switzerland." |
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We walked parallel to the Furkareuss River, on the north side, and passed pastures of grazing cattle. |
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A small chapel next to the trail has a "wedge" on its north side to protect from avalanches. |
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Setting the camera up for a self-timed photo! |
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Barely 15 minutes after starting out from Realp, I got very tired and needed to lie down in the grass for a nap. (The winding road on this photo leads up to the Furka Pass). |
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Taking a nap shortly after starting out on our walk to Zumdorf. Sometimes fatigue just hits you, and you can't take one more step. |
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The craggy peaks on the north side of the Urseren Valley, just above us to the left as we head toward Zumdorf. |
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We passed through a small farming hamlet called Steinbergen. |
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Looking back at Steinbergen as we continue toward Zumdorf. |
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Following the Furkareuss River. |
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There are always benches along the way for a break. |
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Here we are entering the village of Zumdorf (after crossing the main road), where we were planning to have lunch. |
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Waiting for our meal at the restaurant in Zumdorf! |
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One of just two residences in Zumdorf! |
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On the other side of the river, the Gotthard/Matterhorn train heads toward Andermatt. |
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View toward the Oberalp Pass which is past Andermatt to the east. After lunch we are going to cross the river again and walk along the small road next to the railway tracks. |
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The little church in Zumdorf |
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A final photo at the small hamlet called Zumdorf, before heading out on our walk toward Hospental and Andermatt. |
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A look back at Zumdorf after crossing the river and continuing on our walk. |
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This time it's the Glacier Express train passing us on the way to the Furka Tunnel. This "fancier" train requires a reservation and paid supplement to travel on. We always take the regional train. |
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Shortly after the Glacier Express passsed us, the next regional train appears, over that very lovely aqueduct. |
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This is Hospental, the only other town before reaching Andermatt. |
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Crossing the stone bridge over the Furkareuss River at Hospental. |
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Crossing the railway tracks in Hospental. |
Map of the Urseren Valley. The train comes up from Göschenen and heads to Realp, from where we walked back to Hospental and Andermatt. |
(Side note in February 2025 as I review these photos: There are no photos from the stretch between Hospental and Andermatt, but notes I made at the time seem to indicate that we really did complete the entires stretch to Andermatt).