July 6, 2024

Short Walk above Lake Zurich from Hütten to Richterswil

Saturday July 6, 2024 -- This was a tough one to plan, as only the morning till noon promised nice weather, so did we want to travel far for a three-hour hike and then be caught in the rain? We knew we'd be safe if we stayed around Lake Zurich, which we can reach in about an hour, so we settled for a short two-hour walk from the farmlands on the southwest side of the lake ending at Richterswil on the lake. (We started early at 8:30 a.m, and were already on our way home by 11:15).

In retrospect, we could have done a lovely 3-hour hike in the hills between Lake Sihlsee and Lake Wägitalersee just slightly to the south of where we were, as the skies remained blue there till at least 1 p.m. We had started early and could have finished that hike in time. In the end, this was simply a very easy morning walk for us, not far from home. We started near a lake called Hüttensee surrounded by lovely marshlands, walked through the industry of Samstagern and down to a reservoir lake, and from there into a lovely ravine which we followed for 20 minutes. That ravine was pleasant, as it was really a hot morning. On the short walk through Richterswil to the train station we saw some quaint houses, but didn't really feel like going up to see the town church for a change... 

The trip starts with a bus ride from Wädenswil on Lake Zurich up into the hillside on the west side of the lake. 

To the south we can see the Glärnish mountains. This is where we could have done a nice 3-hour hike in the mountains, and it wouldn't have been much further to travel to. 

Heading down from the main road toward the lake called Hüttnersee

This was a very short walk for us, just under 8 kilometers, starting in the village of Hütten and walking down to Lake Zurich, where we caught the train back home (it is just an hour's trip). 

Heading down from the main road toward the lake called Hüttnersee

A lovely house on the way to the marshlands

Enjoying the marshlands near Lake Hüttnersee

When we see these beautiful snails crosing the road, we help them along by putting them in the grass on the side they are headed to!

A look back up to the village of Hütten. 

At this house the owners had set up what they call a "Besenbeiz", which is just a place where you can sit and enjoy some refreshments and light homemade snacks in their garden.

At the far end of the lake was a spot where people could go swimming. 

Right next to the warehouses and factories in Samstagern are pastures with cows!

We sat on a bench under a very large walnut tree and enjoyed a coffee break and the view of Lake Zurich to the south. 

Our trail passes under the railway line. 

We came to a little reservoir lake called Sternenweiher. 

A walk around the little lake. This is like Urs making a large detour around the cows which we usually run into on our trails!

A look at the dam side of the lake, which we crossed before entering the ravine. 

Crossing the dam at the Sternenweiher lake. 

The ravine we walked through was called the Mülitobel. 

Walking through the forest in the Mülitobel Ravine. 

Walking through the forest in the Mülitobel Ravine. 

Walking through the forest in the Mülitobel Ravine. On a hot day it is nice to walk along a stream or river!

We always enjoy the bridges. 

Pretty waterfalls

The sound of water is always lovely!

Walking through Richterswil toward the train station. 

This house was built in 1746-1749 by a citizen of the village who was a vintner and butcher. There were four apartments in the house. Over the years, the family had various businesses in this house, from textiles to hat making to a bakery. 

Quaint shops

That's an interesting building..

A look up at the main church (there are three) as the train leaves the station. It was too hot and we weren't in the mood to walk up there to have a look at it. 

What our hike looks like on Google Satellite Maps

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